September 13, 2024

Out of time



Magic cock victim


Jack despised his coworker Shawn so much he decided to play a trick on him. Jack had a special gift; one could call it a curse if used wrong or if someone accidentally sees it. When a woman sees Jack's cock they become very turned on and can't stop but play with it. However, if a man sees Jack's cock they suddenly transform into a woman and then can't stop but play with the cock. Jack has lost a few roommates to the curse when they accidentally walked in on him showering. Jack couldn't wait till Shawn and him were the only ones left in the office and Jack walked over to Shawn's desk and pulled down his pants. Jack watched as suddenly where Shawn had once sat a woman who looked oddly like Shawn just smiled at his cock. Jack couldn't wait to show Shawn the benefits of being a woman. The only thing was Jack didn't think of the security cameras capturing him and how a few more women suddenly appeared on the security team.

Pantie Life


June 05, 2021

June E-book

 David finally gets his dream job working a clinic where they produce life saving drugs. David assists his co-worker in creating a formula that could cure anything with the help of nanobots. David has a surprise meeting with the co-owner of the clinic where he starts to feel unwell. The next morning David awakes to find himself turned into a woman by the formula he helped create. David knows that there is a mole in the company who wants to take his formula for themselves and will stop anyone who gets in their way. Will David find away to change back to his male self or is he doomed to have boobs forever.

You can buy it here at 
Tricked and Swapped - Kindle edition by Luce, Timothy. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ if you have Kindle unlimited you can even pick this and all of my other books for free.

Bikini beach sister's revenge

     Heather was getting tired of the way her brother treated his girlfriends. Her brother treated women like they were just toys on the earth for his enjoyment. Heather and the other girls got together and found a way to teach him a lesson. They found a female only water park that allowed men to enter but they would be turned into girls for the duration of their pass. The only thing was Heather's brother knew about the park and was not going to go there willingly. So they purchased some magical chemicals that dissolve into water from the park. The old lady who owned the park told them that since there would be no pass that the transformation would be permanent. Heather placed the chemicals into their pool and Nate's current girlfriend had convinced him to go into the pool naked and wait for her. They all watched as male Nate walked into the pool and started to instantly change into Natalie. Heather couldn't help but be jealous of her sisters new chest it was way bigger than hers. They all just came out to tease Natalie but she seemed extremely confident in her new skin and was already a pro at looking sexy. Heather felt sorry for all the men who would fall for this vixen.

Gender App revenge

     Beth was getting tired of how her roommate's boyfriend was always hitting on her. Beth tired to tell her roommate how he is close to cheating on her but she just claims that Beth is just jealous and that Ken would never cheat on her. One day Ken had come over when Amy was gone and Beth felt very uncomfortable. That was when Ken had come from behind and placed his hands over Beth's chest. Beth turned around and was close to slapping him, but she thought of a better plan. She pulled out her phone and some headphones and gave it to Ken. She told him to listen to the song as she got something more sexy on. Ken just smiled and went with the plan. Beth walked into the living room and spied on Ken as he started to change. The gender app that Beth had used awhile back came in handy again. It started to change Ken into Kelly. Kelly must have started to feel really good because she started to paly around with her new body before the app was even finished. Beth knew that Amy wasn't going to be to happy, but Ken needed to be taught a lesson. 

May 16, 2021

Wish swapped


    Carl had found a coin that had a strange writhing on it. When Carl had translated the words it read good for one wish. Carl just laughed and took it as a joke coin.

    "I wish that I could get into Sarah's pants." Carl laughed he knew that Sarah was a lesbian and there was no way that he would be getting her. The coin grew hot and the room started to spin. When the room came to a stop he found himself in a completely different place. He felt something touching him and looked down to see Sarah's naked girlfriend. Not only that but he saw his own naked boobs.

    "What's wrong babe?" Sarah's girlfriend asked. "You look like you have seen a ghost." Carl just laughed and shook his head. Turns out that he can get into Sarah's pants after all, but this was not the way he thought he would. Carl just enjoyed his girlfriends kisses and couldn't wait to explore his new body.

Curses end


    Andrew loved his nightly changes into Amber, but grew to wanting more. Andrew looked in a way to keep his changes permanent. Andrew wanted to be Amber permanently. There were a few ways to keep the changes permanent. One was to find the woman who cursed him and kill her, but that was a bit too extreme and there was talk about that being a cure and would end his curse. Then there was a rumor about infecting one thousand others, but that would take too long. There was only one sure way to keep the change permanent and that was to become pregnant. Andrew decided to give up on finding a solution, that was until his best friend had came over when he had changed into Amber. Amber did not want to curse his bestfriend, but her hunger was strong she knew there was no other choice she either cursed her friend dooming him to change into a woman at night or try to end her curse. As the sun rose Amber enjoyed the warm sensation as it cascaded over her feminine body. Amber just admired her female body in the sunlight. If she had to be pregnant at least it was with her bestfriend. Amber just didn't know how to break it to her friend that not only did she used to be a man, but that he is going to be a father.

Escape TG room

    Zack woke up after a night of drinking. When he awoke, he found out that he was completely naked. Not only that, but a woman. Zack did not have much time to panic or even enjoy his new body when a voice rang out in the house. 
    “As you have seen you are no longer the man you used to be.” The voice called out. “I have been paid by some terribly angry women who want me to teach you a lesson. You have two hours to escape that room. If you do, I will change you back and you can go on with your disgusting male ways. Fail and you will remain a woman permanently.” 
     Zack started to panic. He was never good at escape rooms and knew there was no way he was going to get out. Zack found that the puzzles were designed to teach him about how to treat women. Zack was getting close to the end when he heard an alarm go off. Zack looked up to the locked door and the timer above it. Zack had failed and now was stuck as a woman forever. Thoughts flooded her mind and soon she smiled knowing that she was going to have fun as a woman.

Sleeping change

My male roommate, Ken, was a slob, and he did not want to work. He paid me monthly, but he just laid around if he was not at work. I was close to kicking him out when my best friend came over. My friend was eight months pregnant, and my roommate just laughed and made fat jokes at her. I was about to yell at him and kick him out, but my friend said she had a better idea. When my roommate fell asleep my friend used her powers and changed Ken into Kelly an eight-month pregnant woman. We debated on if we wanted to change reality to make it as if Ken had always been Kelly. We agreed, but to keep Ken’s male mind intact. As Ken’s body changed, I could not help but get a bit jealous. Her boobs were way bigger than mine, but I assumed it was because she was pregnant. As the changes finished, I realized Kelly had a wedding ring on. That was when memories flooded my head. Turns out Kelly and her husband had a huge fight, and she came to live with me while she finalized her divorce. Kelly did not want to take her ring off for thoughts that they would eventually get back together. I couldn’t wait for Kelly to wake up it would be a wonderful treat.

April 30, 2021


This is my newest E-book on Logan and Jane love their monthly game night. The two find an old game at a new store and start to play with their friends. Changes start to happen and people start to transform. Can they figure out how to win the game before they are all transformed into the shadows play things. There is a few male to female swaps a female to male and many inanimate transformations. You can purchase it from

 If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read this for free along with all my other books. Thank you for the support and hope to put out more content.

April 26, 2021

Advanced magic

Samantha should have paid more attention in her magical studies class. They warn of flipping ahead and casting spells that are too advanced. Sam figured she knew what she was doing and decided to cast a transference spell with her cat. She figured it would be fun to be a cat for a few hours. The only thing was the spell required her to cast a nullification spell first set for time she wanted to swap back, but she went right into casting the transferance spell. She found herself on all fours and she loved it. Not having to worry about her human life and the stress that came with it. She could just sleep and eat and lay around the house. When she got bored of it, she went into her room and saw her body playing with her boobs. The cat apparently was enjoying being human. That was when Sam found out that she couldn’t swap back and that she skipped over a step. Turns out without the nullification spell she could only swap back if both parties agreed to the swap and Shadow loved being a human and did not want to swap back. So Samantha was doomed to remain a cat forever or until Shadow got board and wanted to return.

Bath time revenge

Ben should have known that tricking his friends into going to a female only waterpark and turning into women for the month that their pass is good for, would come back to bite him in the butt. Ben just figured his three friends would become easy lays as they would want to explore their new feminine bodies and seeing as they would only be girls for a month it wouldn’t be a problem. But none of his friends were happy and they wanted revenge. They knew that Ben would not go to the park, so they had to bring the park to him. They got permission from the old lady who ran the park to take some of the enchanted water, but it would turn Ben into a woman forever so for them to take the water they had to have their passes upgraded to lifetime, meaning they would all be girls forever too. They figured it was a small price to pay to get Ben back. So, they slipped the water into a tub and dropped Ben into it. The moment he surfaced his tits were huge and she wasted no time in playing with them. At first Ben was furious with her friends for turning her into a woman but playing with her new boobs felt so good that she started to grow to love them. Ben figured that she would only be a woman for a month like her friends. Her friends didn’t have the heart to tell her that there was no time limit to her transformation they just let her have her fun and come to that crossroad when it came.

Identity stolen

This can not be happening. I have boobs. Not just any boobs but they appear to be the same boobs as the woman I hooked up with last night. Somehow, she stole my body and left me in hers. She left me with her clothes from last night and her purse with just her ID in it. I am stuck as a woman and there is nothing, I can do about it. By now she is long gone with my body. Nothing I can do about it lying down, better get up and explore some more of this body.

April 07, 2021

Helpful brother

When your sister comes crying to you telling you how awful her pregnancy is and how she just needs a break, do not say you wish you could help. Not unless you want to be swapped into her body and must live out the rest of her pregnancy. Me and my niece have gotten close. I am going to miss her when she is born and I will have to swap back, but that’s me. Being a pregnant woman is not for everyone so be careful what you wish for.

Don't be a dick

     How's it going Samantha? Didn't you say that this was your man and his dick was yours. Well enjoy your new life. You should have been more careful then to pick a fight with a witch. I was merciful enough to leave your mind intact so you get to experience the same pleasure your man here does. Enjoy being a dick Samantha your going to be this for a long time. 

GEP fun


    Jack just got home from his Gender Equality Program appointment where he was forced into becoming a woman for the year. The moment he got into his house he striped down and started to explore his new body. Jack knew this was going to be one awesome year.

March 31, 2021

April e-book release

This is the newest e-book I have put out. If you are interested in the book you can get it here  

Gender swapped in the Club: A magical transformation - Kindle edition by Luce, Timothy. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

    Tristian is called in to do a job, but when he arrived he finds his old friend who he hasn't seen in years waiting for him. Tristian finds out that his friend does not work for the club and soon finds out that the women in the club do not take kindly to Tristian setting up cameras to spy on them. Tristian is soon turned into Trisha and has to find a way to get her friend to admit to the cameras or she may just be stuck stripping for the club forever. Trisha soon finds out that the world she lives in is a bit more magical then she first thought. There is some gender swaps and even some human to animal transformations.

March 06, 2021


 "I knew you were a boob man, but this is a bit crazy." Amber said to her boyfriend who she had just turned into her boobs. "You are stretching my clothes out and you make my boobs extremely firm." Amber couldn't keep her hands off her boobed boyfriend. "I can't see why we haven't done this in sooner."

[Now remember your promise.] The voice of her boyfriend echoed in her head. [ You promised I could turn you into my dick and see how big you make me.] Amber winced at the thought of being a dick. She didn't want to do that but she did love her new boobs. [You know I can hear your thoughts.]

"Oh crap." Amber said trying to hide her thoughts. She knew she had to change Zack back before six hours past or he would be stuck. Amber kept thinking about having to become a dick and then looked back at her boobs.

[Don't you dare. You need to change me back!] Zack yelled in her head. [I promise not to change you, just change me back now.] Amber tried to keep her thoughts to herself, but all she could think of was could she trust Zack not to keep his promise. Amber looked again at her big boobs and made up her mind.

Magical Nude beach


When I heard of a special nude beach that was full of women I had to go. I asked my buddy to come with but he turned me down. The moment I arrived I was greeted by some sexy naked women who tore off my clothes and ushered me onto the beach. There they pushed me into a whole in the sand and buried me up to my head in the sand. Then they draped a towel over my head. I wanted to ask why but I figured this was just part of the fun. My body felt itchy but I couldn't move. I was in total darkness for what felt like an hour when they pulled the towel off my head. That was when my hair cascaded down my face. When I was freed from the sand and my eyes had finally adjusted to the sun I saw what the sand had done to me. I was now a very busty woman. The sea breeze felt good against my exposed skin. I was not mad at all at what happened. And I was happy my friend had decided not to come because I plan to have fun with him when I get back.

GEP shower

 I had always loved it when women would push their boobs up against the glass shower door. So when  I was forced into becoming a woman for a year, I had to try it out. The first chance I got I pushed my boobs into the glass door. The feeling was strange but in a good way. I just wished there was someone behind me pushing me up into the door. The thoughts along with the sensations turned me on. This was going to be one fun year.


Brad awoke to a strange weight on his chest. To his surprise it was a set of huge boobs. The last thing he remembered about the previous night was falling asleep after reviving a blowjob from the girl he brought home last night. He remembered her yelling something about how selfish he was for not returning the favor. And how he wasn't much of a guy and he'll regret it. Turns out the woman was a witch and didn't take it kindly of him passing out before she got any. The woman had turned Brad into a woman and she planed on leaving him like that permanently. 

March 02, 2021

New Book


My new e-book Gender curse is up and available for purchase. It is about a guy named Sam and on his 18th birthday changes into a girl overnight. I hope you enjoy this one. If you have kindle unlimited you can even pick this one up for free. Thank you for the support. You can pick this title up at  

Gender Curse - Kindle edition by Luce, Timothy. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @ 

March 01, 2021

New Book

 I have finally found the inspiration and wrote a rough draft for a new book. I hope to have it up on Amazon for sale, and if you Kindle unlimited you can get it for free. Hope you'll enjoy it when i release it.

February 05, 2021

Big Game

  Has it really been a year already? Sure at first I hated being forced to become my friend's girlfriend and play thing, but after awhile with how sweet he treated me I grew to love this body. Of course I wouldn't pass up the chance to go back to being a guy and finally put some actual clothes on. I have had to wear this outfit every day. Luckily this outfit is magical and didn't need to be washed. Now that the big game is coming up again I can again bet my manhood to my best friend. If I win I get to change back and my friend then gets to become my girl for the year. I could just refuse to bet and end this whole thing but that means being stuck as a chick forever. No matter how tempting that is I do have plans for my friend and I have to be a guy to do most of those things. My friend of course chose the defending champs, so hopefully the Bucks can win and end my curse and allow me to get some revenge. 

Pregnant and loving it

 I can't believe it has been so long. I know this was supposed to be a punishment, but these long months I have grown to love being a woman. I remember the day my friend teased a pregnant lady to tears and how at first I didn't want to join in, but Zack pushed me into it. Turns out the woman was a witch and she put a curse on us. I was turned into a pregnant woman and Zack became my unborn child. Today I received the gender results of the baby and turns out I'm having a girl. I haven't had the nerve to tell Zack and I am not sure if she could even hear me if I did. I am also not sure if she will be born with her old male memories or start over. Either way I can't wait so meet my daughter.

November 17, 2020

Enjoying GEP


      Mark still wasn't used to his new view when he wakes up. It has only been a week since the government forced him to get a gender change. It was their way to promote gender equality to make everyone who turns 21 to swap genders for the year. Mark became Makayla and loved the attention she gets and is enjoying being a woman but seeing her body was still a bit odd. Makayla wondered what she was going to do tonight. She had met a cute guy at the club the other night and fell asleep thinking about him. She didn't know if she was ready to see how sex was as a woman, but a part of her really wanted to find out. Just thinking about it made her want it more. Her new genitals begged for attention and Makayla craved it. Makayla rolled over and picked up her phone just as it started to ring. She smiled as the number calling her was the cute guy from the club.

no nut November


Brian was over at his girlfriends house when he had the urge to rub one out. His girl wasn't feeling too good and didn't want to have sex so Brian did the next best thing and laid down and started to play. On the nightstand there was a lotion bottle that said for women only in big bold letters, but Brian figured lotion was lotion, so he went ahead and rubbed in over his dick and went to town. The tingling feeling was a bit nice to him and he kept going. Soon Brian climaxed, but nothing came out. Brian looked down and watched as his dick shrunk like normal but didn't stop at it's normal flaccid state but kept going into him. Brian tired to stop it but it was too late soon he was just grabbing a mound of flesh where his new pussy was. Brian was so occupied at trying to save his dick that he didn't notice the rest of his body change too. Brian didn't know how he was going to explain this to his girlfriend, he just hoped she was into women too.

November 12, 2020

Last laugh

 Ken and his girlfriend had a big fight and Amber told Ken it was over. She was almost out the door when she stopped and turned around with a smile. Ken was a bit confused but when she started to unzip his pants he no longer cared. Amber pulled out some pink vial and told him it was a special type of lube. As soon as the contents touched his shaft it sent tingles throughout his body. As Amber's lips touched him he threw his head back and let out a moan. His voice seemed to rise in pitch. The sucking sensation tuned to licking and Ken looked down. He was looking at his new female body and let out a scream. Amber reached up squeezed Ken's book and smiled. Have fun being a woman Kelly Amber laughed as she walked out the door.

October 21, 2020


 Nate stared at the beautiful woman that he had brought home from the club. She wasted no time and got undressed and pulling off Nate's pants.

      "Now watch carefully what I am doing. You'll have to do this exact thing soon." The woman said with a smile. She started to rub Nate's cock and pulled it out. She started to lick the tip of the cock and tease it. "Enjoy this last ride of your cock because after tonight it will be mine."

     "You can have it as much as you like." Nate said laughing it off.

    "Thanks I needed you to agree to this." The woman said. Her eyes started to glow. Nate tried to move but found out that he couldn't "Take notes babe because before the night is over I'll have you suck my cock." The woman started to give Nate the best blowjob of his life. Nate wanted to fight what he heard, but he couldn't move. As Nate climaxed he realized he didn't ejaculate but instead watched as his cock shriveled and sunk into him. Nate soon was looking at a vagina. Nate watched as his shirt pushed put as his chest swelled. 

    "What did you do?" Nate yelled in a very high voice. 

    "Nothing you didn't agree to. You said I could have your cock and that is just what I did." The woman said. She stood up and Nate watched as a cock started to push out from the woman's vagina. Soon a nice erect cock was there staring Nate in the face. Nate watched as the woman started to change into a copy of him. "Now remember what I said about giving me a blowjob." The woman said pushing Nate to his knees. Nates old dick was inches away from his face and he knew he couldn't fight it anymore and kissed the tip. Nate closed his eyes and slipped the cock into his new mouth.


 Ben knew that the most popular girl in the school wouldn't give him the time of day, but he took the risk and in front of the school asked Kelly out. Kelly just laughed and humiliated Ben to the whole school. Ben was crushed and for the next week was reminded over and over again of his mistake. Ben grew so tired of the bullying that he decided it was enough. Ben found Kelly in an empty classroom studying and knew this was his chance. Ben slipped into the room and locked the door. Ben then dumped a strange liquid onto Kelly. Kelly screamed and yelled at Ben who drank another vial. Kelly watched as Ben started to change before her. Soon Ben was an exact copy of Kelly. Ben took off his now baggy male clothes standing naked. Ben then apologized for what was about to happen. Kelly soon felt herself start to shrink. Ben bent down and picked up Kelly's clothes revealing a cute white mouse. Kelly watched as Ben started to put on her clothes, purposely leaving her panties off and showing Kelly what she was going to miss. Ben then picked Kelly up by her tail and placed her in the cage with the other lab mice. Ben was happy that Kelly was in the science lab otherwise he may have had to let her run free and risk getting caught or killed. This way she would live her life as a lab mouse and have a nice life as Ben lived his life as Kelly. Ben did consider making Kelly the slut of the school but decided that it was best not to ruin his new life.