Mark still wasn't used to his new view when he wakes up. It has only been a week since the government forced him to get a gender change. It was their way to promote gender equality to make everyone who turns 21 to swap genders for the year. Mark became Makayla and loved the attention she gets and is enjoying being a woman but seeing her body was still a bit odd. Makayla wondered what she was going to do tonight. She had met a cute guy at the club the other night and fell asleep thinking about him. She didn't know if she was ready to see how sex was as a woman, but a part of her really wanted to find out. Just thinking about it made her want it more. Her new genitals begged for attention and Makayla craved it. Makayla rolled over and picked up her phone just as it started to ring. She smiled as the number calling her was the cute guy from the club.
November 17, 2020
no nut November
Brian was over at his girlfriends house when he had the urge to rub one out. His girl wasn't feeling too good and didn't want to have sex so Brian did the next best thing and laid down and started to play. On the nightstand there was a lotion bottle that said for women only in big bold letters, but Brian figured lotion was lotion, so he went ahead and rubbed in over his dick and went to town. The tingling feeling was a bit nice to him and he kept going. Soon Brian climaxed, but nothing came out. Brian looked down and watched as his dick shrunk like normal but didn't stop at it's normal flaccid state but kept going into him. Brian tired to stop it but it was too late soon he was just grabbing a mound of flesh where his new pussy was. Brian was so occupied at trying to save his dick that he didn't notice the rest of his body change too. Brian didn't know how he was going to explain this to his girlfriend, he just hoped she was into women too.
November 12, 2020
Last laugh
Ken and his girlfriend had a big fight and Amber told Ken it was over. She was almost out the door when she stopped and turned around with a smile. Ken was a bit confused but when she started to unzip his pants he no longer cared. Amber pulled out some pink vial and told him it was a special type of lube. As soon as the contents touched his shaft it sent tingles throughout his body. As Amber's lips touched him he threw his head back and let out a moan. His voice seemed to rise in pitch. The sucking sensation tuned to licking and Ken looked down. He was looking at his new female body and let out a scream. Amber reached up squeezed Ken's book and smiled. Have fun being a woman Kelly Amber laughed as she walked out the door.
October 21, 2020
Nate stared at the beautiful woman that he had brought home from the club. She wasted no time and got undressed and pulling off Nate's pants.
"Now watch carefully what I am doing. You'll have to do this exact thing soon." The woman said with a smile. She started to rub Nate's cock and pulled it out. She started to lick the tip of the cock and tease it. "Enjoy this last ride of your cock because after tonight it will be mine."
"You can have it as much as you like." Nate said laughing it off.
"Thanks I needed you to agree to this." The woman said. Her eyes started to glow. Nate tried to move but found out that he couldn't "Take notes babe because before the night is over I'll have you suck my cock." The woman started to give Nate the best blowjob of his life. Nate wanted to fight what he heard, but he couldn't move. As Nate climaxed he realized he didn't ejaculate but instead watched as his cock shriveled and sunk into him. Nate soon was looking at a vagina. Nate watched as his shirt pushed put as his chest swelled.
"What did you do?" Nate yelled in a very high voice.
"Nothing you didn't agree to. You said I could have your cock and that is just what I did." The woman said. She stood up and Nate watched as a cock started to push out from the woman's vagina. Soon a nice erect cock was there staring Nate in the face. Nate watched as the woman started to change into a copy of him. "Now remember what I said about giving me a blowjob." The woman said pushing Nate to his knees. Nates old dick was inches away from his face and he knew he couldn't fight it anymore and kissed the tip. Nate closed his eyes and slipped the cock into his new mouth.
Ben knew that the most popular girl in the school wouldn't give him the time of day, but he took the risk and in front of the school asked Kelly out. Kelly just laughed and humiliated Ben to the whole school. Ben was crushed and for the next week was reminded over and over again of his mistake. Ben grew so tired of the bullying that he decided it was enough. Ben found Kelly in an empty classroom studying and knew this was his chance. Ben slipped into the room and locked the door. Ben then dumped a strange liquid onto Kelly. Kelly screamed and yelled at Ben who drank another vial. Kelly watched as Ben started to change before her. Soon Ben was an exact copy of Kelly. Ben took off his now baggy male clothes standing naked. Ben then apologized for what was about to happen. Kelly soon felt herself start to shrink. Ben bent down and picked up Kelly's clothes revealing a cute white mouse. Kelly watched as Ben started to put on her clothes, purposely leaving her panties off and showing Kelly what she was going to miss. Ben then picked Kelly up by her tail and placed her in the cage with the other lab mice. Ben was happy that Kelly was in the science lab otherwise he may have had to let her run free and risk getting caught or killed. This way she would live her life as a lab mouse and have a nice life as Ben lived his life as Kelly. Ben did consider making Kelly the slut of the school but decided that it was best not to ruin his new life.
Angered woman
Tim stood there letting his new situation soak in. It had been a few days since he had angered that old homeless woman. She had vowed to show Tim how to treat women. Sure enough the next day Tim found himself a woman. The old woman's powers changed reality and placed Tim in a timeline where he had been born a woman. Kim, as she was called now, even had a boyfriend. Kim tried her best to resist her boyfriends advances but her body just craved it. Kim soon stood there stripping for her boyfriend and watching his cock grow at the sight of her. Kim was getting excited knowing that she was giving her boyfriend pleasure. Kim slowly lowered her panties and got ready for a new life.
Amber had intended on breaking up with her boyfriend. Zach was being very creepy and very handsy. It was like she was nothing to him but something to fuck. Amber called Zach to her house and as soon as he arrived went right to trying to take off Amber's clothes. Amber pushed Zach away and told him that she was ending it and that they were over. Zach shook his head and smiled. He started to say a few words in a strange language and before Amber could react the room started to spin. When Amber came to she was looking at herself. Amber's body told her that they swapped bodies and that she was now Zach. Zach just laughed at her and grabbed his new tits. He told her that he did just want her for her body and that if they couldn't be together then he would be her. Zach opened the door and motioned for Amber to leave.
GEP enjoyment
Anna was happy to have a big sister even if it was just for a year, but she always dreamed of having a sister. Anna's brother Andrew had just turned 21 which meant that he would have to undergo the mandated GEP and become a woman for a year. Anna would get her big sister finally. Anna knew that in three years she would be forced into becoming a guy for a year but that was later. Andrew stayed in his room sulking for the first weeks and Anna grew tired of it. She wanted to hang out with her big sis maybe even help her to enjoy womanhood. One day Anna had unlocked Andrews door and walked into her sisters room only to find out that Andrew wasn't sulking and hiding but completely enjoying his new womanly body. Anna's jaw dropped when she saw that Andrew was watching porn and not just any porn but she was watching men jerking off. Anna just turned around and let her sister have her fun she can always hangout with her big sis later.
Pregnancy break
Hank knew that when he agreed to swap bodies with his pregnant sister to give her a break what it meant but seeing it and living it was something different. Not only being a woman was totally new but having a big belly and something living inside of him was just so strange. The swap was only meant to be a week so his sister could relax from her swelling feet and stress from the pregnancy, but she was enjoying it so much that she pleaded with Hank to extend it. Being the nice brother he was he agreed. The thing was Hank was growing close to his niece that he wanted to see it through. He knew that if he gave birth and saw her that there was no way he was going to want to swap back. The thing was he knew his sister felt the same way.
August 29, 2020
Nate was in love and the only thing he wanted in life right now was to dance with his girlfriend at prom. Well life threw a little wrench into the plans when the femvirus struck. Nate soon found himself infected and slowly turning into a woman. His girlfriend was very supportive and was there for him as he turned into Natalie. Nate figured his dreams were doomed when his girlfriend brought him a very cute red dress. Natalie got to dance with her girlfriend at prom just like she wanted. Turns out her girlfriend was also into other girls so everything worked out in the end.
Three way suprise
Kyle had been dating two women at the same time without them knowing. He figured he would choose the best one and dump the other. When the girls found out they were pissed but instead of dumping Kyle they figured a way to get back at him and to make sure he didn't do this to another woman. They acted like they wanted to have a three way with him. Kyle was so into it that he didn't notice the pink pill they slipped him. They continued to play with Kyle so he wouldn't notice the changes. As the changes neared the end they broke out a toy and massaged his cock as it withdrew into him. The girls were actually into this and figured they would start a company where they would punish the evil ex-boyfriends of those who hired them.
Brian was getting tired of his friends asking him to show off his new boobs. He wasn't too happy that his ex girlfriend didn't take to kindly to his break up text and somehow turned Brian into Brittany. Brittany was sick of the way her friends whistled at her and slapped her ass. Finally Brittany got so tired she pulled up her shirt and flashed her girls at her friends. This shut them up for a few moments as they were stunned as she finally did it however it was short lived as they wanted more. Brittany knew there was one way to make them forget about her and fight with themselves. Brittany leaned in and kissed the friend closest to her even placing his hand on her boobs. This turned the friends against one another. Brittany enjoyed the fighting so much she figured whoever came out on top she would give them a blowjob.
Secret desire
Mike had bought some pill from a store in the mall that claims to fulfill the desires of those who take them. Trisha agreed and they took the pills. Mike always wanted to try from behind but Trisha never let him until now, but little did either of them know that Trisha had a secret desire that she hadn't even known. She always wanted to know how sex with another woman felt like. As Mike was rubbing up against Trisha's back he didn't seem to notice the change but Trisha was having a lot of fun.
July 23, 2020
Neighborly love
Liam had a crush on a girl that lived next door. The only problem was she wasn't into guys. The moment that Liam found out that his crush was single he at first was hesitant to use it but took a pink pill and turned into Lindsey. Lindsey went over to her neighbor and consoled her. Soon they became best of friends. Liam kept taking the pink pill and turning into Lindsey more and more until one night her neighbor asked if Lindsey wanted to have some "Fun" Lindsey quickly agreed. In fact her neighbor knew what Liam had done and didn't care she loved Lindsey and gave her a choice. If she really wanted to be together Lindsey would take the red pill and make the change permanent. Lindsey played with her boobs while she thought it over. Of course it didn't take long and she quickly downed the pill making her change permanent.
Loving it
Tim was getting stressed at work and really needed a vacation to relax and recharge. The only problem was the spa that he booked only took women and they mistakenly booked him. Tim begged them to allow him to come. They agreed but he would have to give up something. Tim quickly agreed before they could tell him what it was that he would be giving up. Tim quickly removed his clothes and got ready for his full body massage. The oils they used magically turned Tim into a woman since it was a woman only spa. The massage was so good and relaxing Tim didn't even notice the changes. In fact the moment that he realized what had happened she didn't care. Kim just loved the feeling of being free and she wouldn't change it for the world. It was as if all her stress just melted away with her cock. Kim was going to enjoy being a woman.
Vampire wakeup
Nate woke up with a huge headache. Nate couldn't remember much about the night before. Nate could tell something was wrong. Nate's hands drifted to his chest where a pair of huge tits sat. Nate played with them at a loss of what to do. Images of cocks flashed in his head. Nate would soon remember that he came across a vampire who instead of drinking blood drained men of their manhood and turned them into woman. The newly transformed Nate went on a binge of men sucking their cocks and feeding her hunger. Almost every man in her apartment building was now a sprmvampire. Natalie soon figured it was time to move onto a new city where there would be more meat to eat.
Full moon
Miles was a geeky guy who never thought he would have sex with a beautiful woman. Miles was at a party his friends made him go to when a woman approached him. She quickly dragged him up to an empty room where she quickly tore off Miles' pants. One thing led to another and Miles lost his virginity that night. A month later Miles was looking at the rising full moon when his body got hot. He quickly took a cool shower to try and cool himself down. That was when things started to go crazy. his skin started to soften and his body hair disappear. The hair on his head lenghtend as did his fingernails. What little muscle he had melted away leaving very feminine arms. His waist shrunk but his hips and butt pushed out. Pressure in his chest caused his boobs to push out. Miles watched in horror as his cock and balls were sucked up into his groin leaving behind the lips of a vagina. When the changes were over Miles collapsed to the ground panting. Only one thing raced through his mind. He needed to find a man and pass on the curse. Miles didn't mind becoming Megan on nights of the full moon.In fact she lived for those days. She saught a way to make the change permanent but the only one she found was pregnancy and she did not want that, so Megan will settle for the monthly outings of fun for now.
How to treat a woman
Zack's girlfriend was tired of how Zack was treating her and wanted him to learn how to treat women. So when she found out about the magic of the water park that opened up she figured a few months as a girl would do Zack some good. As Zack took the mandated cleansing shower his body was turned into a woman. Zack's girlfriend had purchased a three month pass so Zack would remain Zoey for three months. The magic of the park changed reality so the world saw Zack as if he was born Zoey. Only Zoey and his girlfriend knows about the change. The thing Amy didn't think of was how much fun her and Zoey would have as girlfriends. As the time to change back drew close Zoey and Amy both agreed to upgrade to a lifetime pass.
Boob man
Kevin was a boob man and teased his girlfriend about her having small boobs. At first Heather just put it off as a stupid joke, but Kevin kept bringing it up. Heather had had enough and figured that if Kevin wanted her to have bigger boobs then he should help her. She quickly splashed a potion on Kevin and had him grab her boobs. Soon Kevin was pulled into Heather's chest. Heather's chest swelled in size betting bigger. Kevin tired to free himself but found he couldn't move. Kevin felt everything that Heather did to her boobs, so she loved playing with them just to drive Kevin crazy. Heather had planed on turning Kevin back but she started to love her new chest and didn't want to lose them. So she continued to torture her ex-boyfriend.
April 12, 2020
Weekly change
Cameron's family was cursed. After the age of 18 the men in his family swap genders once a week. So one week he is Cameron and the next week he turns into Candice. Cam actually loves the swap and goes partying when he turns into Candy. There is an end to the curse. The curse stops working on the week of his 21st birthday. It will trap him in the gender he happens to be that week. Sadly that week he will be boring old Cam. But lucky for him there is a way for Cam to stay as Candice. She would have to become pregnant. The week before his 21st birthday Candy went all out to get pregnant she was determined not to lose her sexy body.
Zack had found a wishing coin good for one wish. Zack wasted no time and wished to be rich. The coin grew hot and suddenly his surroundings changed. Of course that wasn't the only thing to change. Turns out he is a wife of a very wealthy man. Her husband will buy her whatever she wants or needs but the only thing he asks for is that she doesn't say no when asked for sex. If Zack doesn't obey he will be forced back to his old life so when her husband asked her to get naked while at the mall she doesn't know if she should.
Nice guy
Mike was casually walking down the street one day when a woman came running by. She tripped and fell to the ground. Mike ran up to her and helped her up. Mike saw that the woman was at most nine months pregnant.
"You don't find many nice guys nowadays." The woman said getting to her feet. "I do feel sorry for this but I have to." Before Mike could say anything there was a flash of light. When Mike could see again the woman was gone. Suddenly Mike felt a pressure in his gut like something moved. Mike looked down and saw his belly sticking out. Mike was now a pregnant woman. Mike eventually found out that the woman got pregnant from an ex and she didn't want the baby but didn't want to get an abortion or give it up so she swapped bodies with a nice guy. Mike loves his daughter and wouldn't change a thing.

Ok Ken calm down and look for it. The ring couldn't have gotten far. Just find it and put it back on and you'll be your male self again. I could have sworn I put it here. It's not like Zack knew about it.
Panic started to set in as Ken started to realize that the swap ring was gone. Ken had used the ring to swap with his best friend's girlfriend so that when it was over Ken could laugh and tease Zack for having sex with a guy. Of course Kelly was in on it and actually wanted to be a guy so she tipped off Zack and they disposed of the ring after the swap. Ken better enjoy being a woman because there is no going back.
March 21, 2020
What to do
This vacation has been the best ever. When I talked Dave into coming with me he didn't know what I had planned for him. I heard about a magical pond that changes ones gender. I tricked Dave into driving into it. Once he surfaced he was 100% a woman and with all the memories. Dana would think she was always a woman for three days then change back. But if she were to go back into the pond she would be a woman permanently however her old memories would return. I had no choice but to trick her into going for a dip. As soon as Dana surfaced I felt a hand grab my ankle. When I came too I learned that 3 days have passed and as you can see I'm still a woman. I actually couldn't be happier. I feel bad for tricking my friend but everything turned out.
My girlfriend wasn't kidding it's not easy being a girl. There is nothing to wear. All my outfits don't seem right today. I also feel bloated. I can't wait till Amy changes me back being a woman sucks. I want my dick back.
One year
I don't know why I was dreading this. Being forced to be a woman for the year is going to be fun. I feel so free. I actually can't wait to go out like this. Who knows who I'll end up with tonight. Here's to womanhood.
Best mates
Stupid sister swapping our bodies again. Every time I am her I get the overwhelming urge to fuck. My friend Sam came looking for me today and I couldn't help myself. A part of me screamed no but the part in control wasn't going to stop. Well Sam wasn't lying about how big he was.
Piece of meat
How immature. Ever since I was forced into becoming a woman my "friends" just keep dropping hints that I should give them a show. Am I just a piece of meat to them. Sure I thought that way when I had a dick but now that my little head is gone I can see clearly. If only they grew a pair of boobs they would understand.