June 18, 2019


     Jake watched his favorite streamer play every night. Jake finally got the courage to ask her out, but of course she just laughed and banned him from her streams. Jake was broken and wanted to get revenge on her. Jake made a fake account and joined in on one of Amy's streams. Jake started to chant as he focused on Amy. He watched as Amy started to get sleepy. Jake's eyes too couldn't stay open. When Jake opened his eyes he saw that his spell had worked he found himself in Amy's body. The chat was going crazy asking if she was ok. The new Amy waited for her body to start to freak out in chat. Sure enough in all caps the account Jake had made started to type out that he stole her body and started to demand he fixed it. Amy just smiled and laughed as she banned the account. Amy closed her stream and went for a shower. Amy turned on her stream and waited for a lot of people to join. Amy quickly wasted no time and started to show off her new boobs to her viewers. The platform that Amy streamed on allowed nudity so she wanted to show off her new body and introduce the new Amy.

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