March 27, 2019

2nd chance

       I really wanted to forget about my failing marriage and crappy life, and I wanted to cool off in the hotels pool. I swam to the deep end and laid back and floated for a bit. Suddenly my leg started to cramp and somehow I went under. I started to sink to the bottom and I couldn't swim to the surface. The last thing I remember was wishing that if I had just one more chance I would make my life meaningful, then everything went black. I saw a bright blurry light and knew it was all over. I started to open my eyes and noticed I was laying next to the pool. I somehow survived. I sat up to get a better look and was greeted by a big pair of boobs. My heart pounded and I wanted to freak out, but then I noticed the ambulance cover my old body with a sheet and wheel it away. I had died and somehow ended up in the body of a hot 18 year old girl celebrating graduating from school. I had my 2nd chance and I wasn't going to waste it even if I was now a girl. I looked at my boobs and figured what could one day of fun cost me.

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