September 25, 2018


Request by Robert

Robert was looking for a job and was staying at his friends house while he was searching. The thing was his friends teenage daughter had a huge crush on Robert. Robert thought it was a bit odd for him to accept her advancements but Robert was a bit lonely and what could be the harm in a kiss. As soon as Robert and Jessica kissed the house was hit by lightning and it coursed through their bodies. When Robert woke up he realized he was in Jessica's body. Jessica forced Robert to live out her life like it was his own. Living as a teenage girl wasn't that bad. Robert did his best to live a life as a girl. He later came to find that Jessica had caused the swap just because she wanted his body. Robert thought about telling his friend but decided to keep it a secret so he didn't have to swap back.


  1. Could you swap me with my friends girlfriend? Maybe she is left thinking she's always been me, whilst I'm left to resume her life as her. Possibly do it at a Halloween party where she was dressed as Black Widow and her boyfriend, my friend as deadpool? Her name is Jessie. I'd greatly appreciate it if you could. 😁
