October 06, 2019

Kitty live stream

Lisa had a livestream on a popular site and loved chatting with her followers. There were the occasional jerks who called for nudes and stuff but they were kicked and banned, but one day a user with tbe name warlock69 asked her to show her boobs. Lisa rolled her eyes and clicked to boot and ban but nothing happened. Warlock69 asked again and again. He started to type in caps SHOW ME YOUR BOOBS. Lisa tried to block the guy but nothing happened. Lisa panicked and unplugged her computer but the computer stayed on. Lisa jumped when her cat jumped up beside her. Then Warlock69 typed IF YOU WON'T SHOW ME YOUR BOOBS MAYBE YOUR CAT WILL. Lisa watched as the room spun. When her vision cleared she was on all fours looking up at her body. She watched in horror as her body reached down to pull out her tit.


  1. I noticed you are one of the few cappers who regularly likes to write animal captions. I think you would like one of my recent caps: https://rookcaps.blogspot.com/2019/10/astral-shift-doggy-style.html

    Keep up the great work!

  2. That's a very sexy and creative cap!!! Love it!!!
