October 21, 2020


 Amber had intended on breaking up with her boyfriend. Zach was being very creepy and very handsy. It was like she was nothing to him but something to fuck. Amber called Zach to her house and as soon as he arrived went right to trying to take off Amber's clothes. Amber pushed Zach away and told him that she was ending it and that they were over. Zach shook his head and smiled. He started to say a few words in a strange language and before Amber could react the room started to spin. When Amber came to she was looking at herself. Amber's body told her that they swapped bodies and that she was now Zach. Zach just laughed at her and grabbed his new tits. He told her that he did just want her for her body and that if they couldn't be together then he would be her. Zach opened the door and motioned for Amber to leave.

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