April 26, 2021

Bath time revenge

Ben should have known that tricking his friends into going to a female only waterpark and turning into women for the month that their pass is good for, would come back to bite him in the butt. Ben just figured his three friends would become easy lays as they would want to explore their new feminine bodies and seeing as they would only be girls for a month it wouldn’t be a problem. But none of his friends were happy and they wanted revenge. They knew that Ben would not go to the park, so they had to bring the park to him. They got permission from the old lady who ran the park to take some of the enchanted water, but it would turn Ben into a woman forever so for them to take the water they had to have their passes upgraded to lifetime, meaning they would all be girls forever too. They figured it was a small price to pay to get Ben back. So, they slipped the water into a tub and dropped Ben into it. The moment he surfaced his tits were huge and she wasted no time in playing with them. At first Ben was furious with her friends for turning her into a woman but playing with her new boobs felt so good that she started to grow to love them. Ben figured that she would only be a woman for a month like her friends. Her friends didn’t have the heart to tell her that there was no time limit to her transformation they just let her have her fun and come to that crossroad when it came.

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