December 22, 2018

Day 10: Ten Bikini Beaches

Ian surfaced from his swim and noticed something was definitely wrong. He had a pair of boobs and that wasn't all he was a complete woman. Ian looked around and noticed a few other topless women freaking out. The area was quarantined and the ten men who were now women were pulled aside. The CDC tested the water and found there was a trace amount of some kind of chemical. Ian and the other girls were given new identities and new lives when they were found not to be contagious. A month has went by and finally Ivy got the news she has been waiting for. Apparently there was a guy who as a joke dumped a vile of magical water he stole from a park and dumped it into the ocean to see what it did. The magic in the water spread out and turned any man who was susceptible to the magic into a woman. Ivy's heart sank she found out that there was no changing her back. Ivy was hoping to become a guy again, but maybe being a girl wasn't that bad and besides with the money she is getting from the government and the park she is set for life and never has to work another day in her life.

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