December 22, 2018

Day 10: Ten Bikini Beaches

Phil was taking a cleansing shower before entering the park when he noticed some changes. He was growing boobs and his dick retracted up into his body. Turns out Phil was turned into a woman because this was a women only water park and that Phil would be stuck as a woman until his pass ended. Phil breathed a sigh of relief when he remembered that he bought a day pass and that by the morning he should change back. Phil had fun and went out on the town to party even bringing home a guy so she could experience sex as a woman. When Phil woke the next day he was greeted by his boobs. Phil freaked out and called the park screaming at the lady. She informed him that his pass was altered magically by his actions last night. Phil chewed her out claiming that wasn't legal, but the woman insured that the contract he signed for his day pass clearly stated the pass would become permanent upon becoming pregnant. Hearing those words made Phil stop. The lady apologized for the problem but insured that there was nothing she could do Phil was stuck as a woman and soon to be mother.

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